Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Version

I have set up a new download. Look right for the link. SpaceFlight000b.zip

Inside are 3 python files, and a shortcut to run the game.

Orbiting is removed. It sucked. Camera control is temporarily disabled. I need to make it share button 1 nicely. What does it need to share with? I am glad you asked!!!

use the j key to jump to one of the asteroids. Click on it. It vanishes!! Woo!

Ok, maybe it isn't that exciting, but being able to select asteroids, and know which one is selected is the first step towards a semi-auto piloting system, as well as being able to mine the asteroids. And asteroid mining is where the game starts. Honestly, this is good stuff.

The plan is to test how long the button is pressed. If it is pressed and released within a second, then it is selection. If it is held, then it will be camera flying. If you check carefully, you will notice that the current selection doesn't actually happen until the button is released.


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