Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So, the code is a bit messy, but collisions are working. Here is the deal:

Collision spheres have been added to the asteroids and the ship. I turned on the visibility of the collision spheres so that you can see what is going on. The next revision will have the spheres turned off.

Also, because I am impatient having to fly to the asteroids every time I test, I have added another control key. Pressing 'j' will jump you to the next asteroid in the control list.

Other interesting notes. I changed how the asteroids get added to the scene graph. I had been creating instances of the asteroid model but I am better off adding each one separately.

I am also coming to the conclusion that the flight controls suck. I am looking for suggestions on what to do instead of what I have. I do plan on adding a 'semi-auto' pilot function that will allow you to enter orbit around the planet, lock onto asteroids for mining or whatever, etc. Hopefully this will ease some of the control issues.

I am trying to decide where to go next. Part of me says to write a server that will allow multiple connections, the other part of me wants to start working on the piloting and mining functions, as well as building a space port and adding a docking function.

Any votes? Anyone reading?


PS: Use the same download zip as before. I have updated it to include the collision routines.

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